Preschool and Daycare Centre

The weekly activities for our children!

daycare in pune

Monday being the first schooling day of the week is the EXERCISE DAY where our bright kids exercising after their morning prayers. It’s so refreshing to see all our blooming flowers look as fresh as a daisy after their physical education sessions . The warm mats are laid in our open play area to revitalize themselves and breath in some fresh air.

Tuesday is planned as a GAME DAY to inculcate cognitive, sensorial, physical development resulting in a holistic progress. Unique games are introduced to the children every week. There are different games every week to keep them intrigued. This includes indoor as well as outdoor games to develop social skills.

Wednesday is a colour day and its the most favourite day of our tiny ones. On this day children wear casuals of the decided colour of the month and we also conduct colouring activities. Wednesdays of every month are absolutely colourful!

Then comes Thursday. Every thursday we have craft making. There’s art and craft or origami. It’s just mesmerising to see how creative our kids are. They get absolutely rejoiced with the paints, crafts, crayons all around!

Fridays are story days. From rupunzel to cindrella. From The lion and the rat to the story of the fox. We make our kids familiar with a new story every friday covering all kinds of disney stories, fables, story with a learning and fairytales. This gives them the liberty to imagine and be creative with the capability to establish cognitive skills which gives them the ability to think, understand and react accordingly!

The weekly activities for our children!
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